"You must pray that the way be long, full of adventures and experiences." --Constantine Peter Cavafy
Thursday, December 31, 2009
A New Year, Decade, Moment. 2010
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
You Can't Take It With You (Part II)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009
"Coursing Indepthrible Plasms..." A Fictitious Christmas Prelude.

I wrote a poem once. It was a Christmas poem, but I didn't know that at first. I know no words can do justice to Christ's love. We cannot give up dejected because of that, however. In short. I made up words. This blog is that poem. Only in prose form. Let us begin...

When most people think about the sacrifice of Christ it is Him pegged to a cross, and oh what a sacrifice that was. But the sacrifice comes before then. Much before.

But He saw something else.
The anecdote just given, though embellished, is a fact. No night has ever proved so marvelously enchanting. Our Saviour took the jump, His heart racing as quick as it formed, and fell right into the swaddling earth. The baby only barely breathed was the product of a decision of love. He saw it all. The credits were far from rolling, the greatest story ever told, was just beginning. Thank You.
From me to you, have a Merry Christmas. I hope the year has left you with cherished memories. Here's hoping that tomorrow is a celebration and in everything you are honoring our Saviour. Rest peacefully on this Christmas Eve. You are beloved of God and worth it all to him. "Celebrate the Day!" I wish many more Joyful and Peaceful Christmases to you on each one of your Classical Rides.
Merry Christmas
The Poem
Coursing indepthrible plasms...
Did you want to do it?
Was it all a great adventure?
When you fell from the grayened sky to what could hurt you most?
Did you see me sitting here tonight
a blue glow on my crying cradle taking up someon's air? Oblivious ammense
the melodious strictangles and bleeting?
Were you surprised? Did your solar
eyes widen? Did you wonder at your
now divided hands or condition at your omniscient
Did the cutions sedgeline the hairs and emotives
of all those whom you cherished.
Was it more than a ficticious wave that
horrified your divinity?
Did you feel your regality though you glided through our trampdom
Or did you
willfully connect as a sect in our anthral empire?
Was it allowed to stray from the plan when your nature became ideative?
Did the journey transcend all that can be dictionaired
and thus resort to this?
Because when we run out of words to say or just none can
rive the deed.
We slake off in bitterst defeat and give not another thought.
Staying with all the polititudes. Afraid to visit the hue from which He fell, afraid to astonish or invent.
Believing the trees to be just fine though too maystained to
branch out.
So the myths they still remain undrawn but they
best represent the truth.
Did you do the impossible? Can I not try my
I know that there aren't words and that harbrynths
won't explain, so I'll shief avante gardens and sing-hai brand new glories for you.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Half and Half

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009
You Can't Take it With You (Part I)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
3. Loyalty is selfless- It is on multiple occasions in the greatest show on earth, The Andy Griffith Show, that shrewd Sherriff Andy Taylor will rescue his Deputy Barney Fife from ever-impending embarassment. One of my favorite instances is where Andy and girlfriend Helen Crump find themselves trapped inside a cave. They eventually find there way out only to find that Barney has organized a search party. Instead of saying well he'll get over it eventually, they were both quick to change back into there dirtied clothes and hurry back into the cave to wait for his rescue. Also among his loyalties are turning down exclusive clubs that would not accept his socially un-savvy buddy and capturing a crook that Barney clumsily released in the first place and bestowing the credit to him instead of taking it for his own to save Barney's pride. This kind of loyalty is the most extreme. This is going the distance. This is being loyal far beyond just the person as the are, but to their feelings and each thing that affects them. It puts all personal gain aside for salvation of another in whatever way is at stake. (For more thoughts on T.V. shows, see http://theclassicmc.blogspot.com/2009/05/television-shows.html).

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Anti-Climatic...Wise Man (Men) III

Monday, October 26, 2009
Wasted Laughter

Sunday, October 25, 2009
I'd not tell you that at one point or another I haven't been guilty of assuming these three points to get my own point across, but somewhere along the line conviction came into play...and reason. (The ellipsis aforeused were for accentuation, which is the secondary use and not to be confused with omitted content, which I assure you there was not). I say reason because if what your ellipsis concealed was brought into the light (and it changed the meaning of your assertions), it would render your standpoint prostrate. Little to nothing else you said on the matter could be validated. Whether or not your argument was in the right matters not if scandal was unveiled. In fighting for what is just, it is always worthwhile to play by the rules. It bothers me especially in any sort of Christian writings where scripture is referenced and plagued with ellipsis. It's vanity to think that it cannot stand alone without propagated distortion. Never should anything be omitted from scripture to change the meaning or for any other reason. As in 2 Corinthians 4:1-2:
"Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart, But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God."
So it is a friend...to the reader. (Original sentence reads, "So it is friend to those attempting to market their beliefs or trying to indoctrinate those for selfish benefits, but a sworn enemy to the reader"). It is a dreadful sight in important information. The apprentice of deception. A little harsh for punctuation, albeit, but think of the damage it can do. It's a temptation for all who have a point to get across and a bane to each who search for the facts.
As long as we follow this censorship subject. There are more commonly used tactics. Taking words out of context is one. Or the use of brackets to incorporate a word that has only been vaguely implied. What will begin to happen is the new distorted version of the truth will become widespread and eventually the brackets and ellipse and whatever else will disappear and we shall have a full scale pandemic of false arguments and deceptive texts.
There are times, however, when the use of the ellipsis is harmless as in the previously mentioned case of accentuation or in some cases of necessary brevity. But be wary of its overcasting shadow. Steer clear of its enticing availability. And above all remember to never use these to alter your theses in the hopes of an argument won. As William Shakespeare said, "In a false quarrel there is...true valor."* Or is that what he said?
*Actual quote was "In a false quarrel there is no true valor."
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Principles and Carpetball
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Welcome to America Part II...Part of the Problem
Well, among those of us in which there is a shred of humanity remaining (which I really believe is a good many of you despite my negativity) you are probably asking, "What can I do" as is usually the question of those that are unwilling to do what it takes. (Again I don't wish to add to arrogance, I've asked the question many times with this mindset). With the risk of talking to the wall I can put forth my theories.
In the mid-1800s, at the rise of the Revivalist movement, a man named Lyman Beecher was teaching on the power of individuals to reform the world. He said that true reform could only take place through "the voluntary energies of the nation itself."
You would agree that our nation is made up of fifty states. You might also agree that in each of those states you have what are called counties, then cities and neighborhoods and so on however specific you want to get, all ending with the individual citizen. Now I appear to change directions in saying that the our physical self starts with our body and is broken down to organ systems, organs, tissue, and again however particular you want to get down to the cell. (Please refrain from petty arguments such as incorporating the atom into the mix, bear with me). Now if a cell is gone bad you would know that the tissue...organ...organ system, and evenutally the whole body would go bad. Like cancer. There is cancer in America, and it's terminal.
If a cell has gone bad is there any hope for it? Is a person ever to far gone to be cured. I don't think so, but does a cell heal itself? I wouldn't think so, though I'm no scientist or doctor. No, no, it needs medicine. Now the question is, what am I insinuating is the medicine for the U.S.A.? "You have already condemned America to ruin with your silly cancer metaphor," you might say.
Ironically the only thing that can cure terminal cancer in your body and figurative cancer in America are one in the same. A bridge between metaphor and reality. That connection and cure is the living, active, omnipotent God.
Go ahead, scoff at the nature of that comment. Write this composition off as another sermon. A cheap homily to herd in naive converts. You do and you immediately prove my decleration of we Americans as heathens. The facts are God CAN heal this nation. He absolutely without a doubt can. Why doesn't He? Why doesn't a loving God fix all this madness? Before answering these you answer me: How often do you include God in your daily life?
I'm a Christian you see, or a Christ-Follower, or a Jesus Freak, or whatever sobriquet you choose to endow me with. I don't care what you call me as long as you know where I stand. That is with complete faith in the power of almighty God. And the sovereignty of His son Jesus Christ. Furthermore I believe in the power of prayer. I believe that a righteous man's prayer can save our nation.
That cute little word 'righteous' is everyone's problem. That cute little word along with a prayer seems to be what's postponing complete destruction of the word. Do you see how one individual living a life of honor and obedience is saving the world? That is what an individual can do. But we have to fix ourselves first. Consider your prayer ignored. It's starts with us. The final question is, are we ready to do what it takes to see our nation healed?
Welcome to America Part I...Definitions.

Main Entry:
1 a: a relatively high level of cultural and technological development ; specifically : the stage of cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained b: the culture characteristic of a particular time or place 2: the process of becoming civilized 3 a: refinement of thought, manners, or taste b: a situation of urban comfort.
Pay special attention to definition 2 and 3a, for they are more relative to civilizations original definition. (What I believe to be the actual definitions of civilization are listed 2nd and 3rd due to lack thereof I excuse). Let's even more especially look at number 2. To take this deeper let's define the word 'civilized.'
Main Entry:
: characteristic of a state of civilization
Main Entry:
Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin civilis, from civis
14th century
1 a: of or relating to citizens b: of or relating to the state or its citizenry
synonyms civil, polite, courteous, gallant, chivalrous mean observant of the forms required by good breeding. civil often suggests little more than the avoidance of overt rudeness
I put the whole lot on here this time, for this is the most important part of 'civilization' I'll be dealing with. Raise your hand if after reading this, you want to put on a disgusted face, look straight into the eyes of America and say, "And you call yourself a civilization!"
When does abortion, the murder of unborn babies, fall into play with any of these synonyms? When did the defilement of marriage by joining the same sex legally relate to any of these definitions? These are the biggies, but the list goes on. America is slowly but surely revealing their true self. Heathens. Cavemen wearing nice clothing and combing there hair. Animals. Heathens is a word that would make some Americans indignant. Very well then, I offer the definition of heathens.
Main Entry:
Inflected Form(s):
plural heathens or heathen
before 12th century
1 : an unconverted member of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible 2 : an uncivilized or irreligious person
There now you see. Welcome to America. And that isn't all I would call the citizens of America. Barbaric, is an adjective I would attribute to them. Think I'm being too severe once more? Again I give the meaning.
Main Entry:
\bär-ˈber-ik, -ˈba-rik\
15th century
1 a: of, relating to, or characteristic of barbarians b: possessing or characteristic of a cultural level more complex than primitive savagery but less sophisticated than advanced civilization2 a: marked by a lack of restraint : wild b: having a bizarre, primitive, or unsophisticated quality3: barbarous 3
Note particulary, once again, definitions 2 and 3. In 2a we have that word restraint again or lack thereof. And in 3 we have another word, closely related enough that I can give it in conjunction to barbaric without dedicating another introductory paragraph.
Main Entry:
Latin barbarus, from Greek barbaros foreign, ignorant
15th century
1 a: uncivilized b: lacking culture or refinement : philistine2: characterized by the occurrence of barbarisms
Oh, but no! Barbarians are those who eat with there hands (just a 'leading up to' example, but hey America has finger foods galore!) or kill their children (uh oh) or fornicate (uh oh) or murder senselessly (uh oh) or walk around the streets half-naked (uh oh).
Do you see what we've become? Things that run our blood cold, the things of nightmares, that is reality. And we have made it that way, all by the due process of law. Come one come all, to the United States of America. Do I sound too serious? Good, remember the words of William Lloyd Garrison, "I will be as harsh as truth and as uncompromising as justice. On this subject I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation. No! No! Tell a man whose house is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the hands of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into which it has fallen; but urge me not to moderation." And I'm not anti-America. I'm a sucker for it believe me. I love it, I'm scared for it. Help.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The Now

1. We are all familiar with some kind of unpleasantry. Anything ranging from discomfort to pain (physical, emotional, or spiritual) will drive our minds to long for a better Now. But what will you trade for it? It's staggering what the world would trade for a better Now. What we are forgetting to take into account, or simply ignoring, is our greatest justice, the Ends. Here I borrow wisdom from well-know, Christian pop group, Relient K, who reminds us in their song Let it All Out, that "If the burden seems too much to bear remember the end will justify the pain it took to get us there." The reward for a proper, though sometimes "unbearable," Now is a uncompareably "worth-it" Later . I reckon often with the bother of those who can't seem to look further down the street to where the hard work and pain may have paid off where it came. I'm not excluding myself. It's tempting just to put off the suffering for now. Tomorrow always more attractive than today in our future-darkened views. So we procrastinate the trials as long as we can, but eventually they will catch up with us and dig in with a long-starved appetite. The truth is there isn't a better time than now to face what comes with this moment in time. As Robert Louis Stevenson said, "You cannot run away from a weakness; you must sometimes fight it out or perish. And if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?"
For my second point I have asked the ever-inspirational, thought-provoking, and startling visionary Sarah Jane Murray whose blogs you can find at (http://mitiocbygrace.blogspot.com/) to share her heart. Her "square of thoughts" on the subject of not "settling for less" are as follows:
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
My parents were married in the church I now attend. I was dedicated there. I was baptized there. My first mission trip was sent out from there, my dreams and purpose has been cultivated there. I was born there. I grew up there. I've never known anything else. It's been the biggest part of my life in accordance with my heart, mind, and actions.
I've subconsciously souvenired the memory of an instance that replays itself from time to time in my unfocused mind. The hierarchy of classes for children at my church at the time staired from Pre-church, "Soul" Church, and Kids Church. "Soul Church" was my rank and I was being escorted by my mother from the classroom after service. Undoubtedly playing with my clip-on tie as we walked through the breezeway towards the parking lot. I held a small animated pamphlet detailing basics for a "born-again" life that I never read. "Guess what" I would ask my mother. "What?" she would ask me. "I got saved today," I would answer. Then she would say, "Again?"
While my caring mother remembered an apparent time before, this is my first memory of proclaiming salvation. You can understand that this left a questioning thread in my mind. Had I already made the "life-changing" decision? The thunder was taken from me amidst confusion and shrugging shoulders and the event went from an entire chapter to a mere subscript in the books. And so, I've always been saved.
Recently a missionary spoke at my church and he told the story of a baptism they had in a river. His son who attended, but did not participate was quoted to have said something along the lines of "I want to get baptized-ed, it looks fun." Besides laughter the reply from his father is remembered by me as "There are a few things we have to do first before baptism." I was silently surprised at this. I'm not sure, but could it be that this means his son has not yet prayed the sinner's prayer? Could it mean, that because he does not yet have a full grasp of the situation, that he is not yet making the choice? Could it mean that he is not repeating words that he has no grasp upon in order to give him a little ease from nightmares? Is it possible that under godly influence from his parents and others that he will someday make the desicion to completely turn from sin and dedicate his life to the Lord? I think it's very possible and I think it's honorable.
From experience, that system beats going through life and getting "saved" countless times. The true salvation experience has been lacking in me for sometime. I'll never have that one beautiful, defining, real moment that I turn my life from dedication to sin and follow God with an uncommon fervency.
Abraham Lincoln said this, "It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him." He's right. I've never denied God, so I've never truly felt like one of this world, but I have oft denied his commands. Verses from Jeremiah chapter three verses four and five remark my mental side-thoughts to God during these confused times:
"Yet you say to me, 'Father, you have been my guide since the days of my youth. Surely you won't be angry about such a little thing! Surely you can forget it!' So you talk and you keep right on doing all the evil you can."
And so the ugly cycle will continue until these words from the prophet are relayed to you and you realize your folly.
There are some things you should learn alone. You have to trust God to draw one in with his power and not your own. He can. A forcible entry always does damage. Once again that is not to excuse myself. I am a born-again, saved child of God, and I can make my own decisions. All blame shifts only to myself.
Again, make no mistake, I'm all for instilling children with a firm foundation early on. Without my parents constant preaching of right and wrong and Christ's sacrifice for us, God knows where I would be today. Only would I warn not to hurry them through the most important desicion of their lives.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Dangerous Ground
“I will be as harsh as truth, and as uncompromising as justice. On this subject, I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation. No! no! Tell a man whose house is on fire, to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the hand of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into which it has fallen; -- but urge me not to use moderation in a cause like the present. I am in earnest -- I will not equivocate -- I will not excuse -- I will not retreat a single inch -- and I will be heard.”
It's been told to me that people die at such a rate that each time you breath out can represent a death somewhere across the globe. I could never justify my life in the end if I did not fiercely give everything I had towards ensuring that people know just how critical this situation has become. There are one additional quotes I would like to cite before officially saying what I want to say. Dietrich Bonhoeffer says this:
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."
Certainly if Herr Bonhoeffer could act in the face of being executed I can act in such a free country as this. You see if you see a problem and you decide to simply remain silent and ignore it, you've still made a desicion. If you don't want to think about making a desicion right now, you've jut made a desicion. I'm going to act...
The truth is this: God absolutely did send his son Jesus Christ to this earth. He stayed for 33 years and performed many miraculous signs and he was crucified to take the sins of the world upon himself. He did rise from the grave and he is in heaven right now. You can either choose to accept him or you can choose not to. There is no alternative after you have read this. If you put it out of your head and never think about it again, you have chosen not to. If you take it to heart and you turn away from this perverse world, then you can have a freedom like nothing you've ever experienced and you can have a purpose like no one else can give. When you die you will live for eternity with him in Heaven. It is forever, it is paradise, and it is real. If you choose, and again you will have to, to deny this, not believe this, or curse these truths, when you die you will not spend eternity with him. The ONLY alternative is Hell. It's forever, it is torment, and it is real. For your soul's sake choose love! Choose Christ!
You've crossed dangerous ground. You are either in or out of trouble. My prayers are with you that you make the choice that leads towards Him.
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

1 : the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding
2 a : a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study
3 a : knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method b : such knowledge or such a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena : natural science
I will now call to attention the method in ordering these alternative definitions. Almost always either the original or generalist definition of the term get the first slot and they continue in descending order. You will also notice that in these definitions they come to have a more material preoccupation as they go, and stray away from the traditional knowledge-thirsty intent.
The biggest problem with science is its disregard for the supernatural. You cannot begin to non-fictionally discover the earth's phenomena with but exclusive research of natural explanations. Nothing is natural. I would wonder as to how one could be so arrogant that they believe they could have a knowledge of every miracle and completely trash all divine control.
Now I know you are all reading and waiting for my comments and disdain for popularly hailed and shunned, evolution. Well put it out of your head, because I will not specifically criticize it. No, I believe I'll stick to science in general. However, I will provide some thought on Mr. Charles Darwin, advocate and more or less founder of the "Evolution Revolution."

Sunday, August 16, 2009
My Essentials
1. Ephesians 6:10-20/The armor of God, practical and perfect for the intro to any day. So that you will be able to stand the wiles of the devil.
2. 1 Corinthians 13/To remind me what love truly is, and it's vitality.
3. Jeremiah 29:11/Just in case I get the notion that God is against me or out to get me (my mind can go strange places. He has good thoughts and plans for me.
4. Psalm 139:7-12/This whole chapter sometimes gets my read. Such a great passage. These few verses explode with the omniprescent spirit of God. Inescapable. Love it!
5. Matthew 23:11, 12/Reminds me to participate in the greatest imitation of Christ. Servitude with humility on the side.
6. Romans 8:28/A promise. Everything works for good if we continue to love God and run after His purpose for us.
7. Romans 8:38, 39/My favorite promise from the Lord. It's impossible for us to seperate ourselves from the love of Christ. Nothing can!
8. Romans 12:2/The anti-conformity statement of the day. Be different! We are aliens and this is not our home. Change the culture don't let it change you. We have something to prove.
9. Phillipians 2:14, 15/I really need this one playing over and over in my head all day. Be blameless and shine bright.
10. Matthew 6:9-13/This is definitely one to be practiced everyday. The Lord's Prayer. We cannot up it with our own prayer so each day it should be entreatied to Heaven.
11. Proverb/The Proverbs have the best one month setup. Everyday would be ideal for each one. The Proverbs show you how to be a practically moral person, and give you precious wisdom.