We completely shrug off and/or underestimate the enormous amount of power that comes with the authorship of something. An author's creation is his own to alter and control. An author is hardly bound by trivia like definitions or 'inconsistencies.' The author can rattle reality until all the leaves fall off. You can find no flaw in the story, because of that apastrophic punctuate that specks the word, author's.
It's his.
Who wrote our story? Who is writing it as we speak? It was and is Almighty God. How can we hurl our man-strewn definitions at him like they are highly evolved. We don't understand we are offering them brazenly at the very one who invented anything conceptual. We'll say things like "My dear God, this grace you offer is hardly just to our actions, and yet you are a 'just' God, or so you say." I wish I could scoff and keep my conscience clear at such statements as that. God defines what it is to be just and we can't possibly bind him with all the Webster's in the world.
Nothing about God is argueable. You can dig up no dirt on Him. You can bring nothing alarming from His closet. You'll find that his slate is spotless, and his hands only dirtied by the ragamuffin children He holds so tightly in them.
But people are becoming arrogant. The age we live in now is cuddled in a great, big man-made quilt of technology. So much of what we see now is metal, plastic, and electrical. While formally, someone could bid you, "Look around you and see the beauty of God's creation," when we obey that command now we see skyscrapers, neon lights, computers, funiture, and other accessories that are far from than organic. Maybe that is what causes even we Christians to stop and say, "Oh yes Father, I forgot, YOU are the author of all this."
So a word to myself and all other readers to the divine story he now pens: Don't question or try to disprove the author, and marvel at his professional prose. Here's praying this has left you with a greater drive to submit to your Creator and the story and purpose He has all drafted out for your own personal...Classical Ride.
The Author of my life. I wouldn't want another one. I agree that this technologically impaired world keeps us from a fresh dose of His beauty. So glad to be in His hands. This is beautiful. Favorite piece is, "You'll find that his slate is spotless, and his hands only dirtied by the ragamuffin children He holds so tightly in them." Praise the Lord! What a relief to read. For a moment I had peace.