Saturday, March 12, 2011


Where I come from if you aren't the norm you are one of these. If you are too enthusiastic, if you are too quiet, if you wear to much black, if you have long hair, if you believe in magic, if you don't believe in God, if you believe in mythology, if you wear weird clothes, if you are an adherent to liberalism, if you are a hippie, if you like to be alone, if you pray five times per day in a particular direction, if you hope to achieve Nirvana, if you have a red dot on your forehead, if you want to kill people for your faith, if you burn incense, if you wear a prayer shawl, if you blaspheme the name of the Lord, if you burn crosses and wear white hoods, if you do all the taboos of a Christian culture (ironically you are not one of these if you curse, speak and act in lust, steal, disrespect and mistreat other people, hate, lie, or indulge in worldly living). You are not a weirdo, however, if you go to church. You are not a weirdo if you are a Christian. You are not even a weirdo if you get baptized or pay tithes. You are normal. Christianity is normal. Christians are normal.

The entropy in the universe needs little help.

It's just that most of the time, these days, I have thought that if we truly lived like a Christian, that is one who tries to mimic Christ, we would be weirdos too. It's like we've reduced a Christian lifestyle to a happy medium where we can maintain the largest population of followers, but as it would turn out, in reducing the lifestyle we've accumulated followers to something much different than what Christianity is.

In David Platt's book Radical he comments on Jesus' habit of "turning away thousands of people." He writes:

Whenever the crowd got big, he'd say something such as, "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you." Not exactly the sharpest church-growth tactic. I can almost picture the looks on the disciples' faces. "No, not the drink-my-blood speech! We'll never get on the list of the fastest-growing movements if you keep asking them to eat you."

He continues:

At the end of Luke 9, we find a story about three men who appraocehd Jesus, eager to follow him. In surprising fashion, though, Jesus seesms to have tried to talk them out of doing so. The first guy said, "I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus responded, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."...The second man told Jesus that his father had just died. The man wanted to go back, bury his father and then follow Jesus. Jesus replied, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."...A third man approached Jesus and told him that he wanted to follow him, but before he did, he wanted to say good-bye to his family. Jesus wouldn't let him. He told the man, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."...[in summary] Become homeless. Let someone else bury your dad. Don't even say goodbye to your family.


On another occasion, when surrounded by a crowd of eager followers, Jesus turned to them and remarked, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple...then he continued: "Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple." Now this is taking it to another level. Pick up your instrument of torture and follow me....[in summary] Give up everything you have, carry a cross, and hate your family. This sounds a lot different than "Admit, believe, confess, and pray a prayer after me."

I'll say it sounds different. It sounds weird. We gravitate away from these verses in Sunday school. It puts me in mind of the recounting of the rich young ruler, which we've probably heard before we whip out our wallets if for no other reason. The way I usually hear it is something like this:

There was a rich, young ruler who approached Jesus and asked Him what it was he must do to achieve eternal life. Jesus told him he should follow God's commandments. He said he'd done this since he was a little guy, and then Jesus came out with the big guns, "Go sell everything you have and give it to the poor and follow me and you will have a lasting reward in Heaven." Now, I'm not saying you have to sell everything you have, but....

No, Mr. Preacher sir, you are not saying we have to, but it seems that Jesus did say that.

But that's weird. That's radical.

It appears we have made Christianity very cozy and very acceptable. The church in the Bible was a hard-knock life and culturally unsound and nearly offensive. When we come to know Christ we become citizens of a foreign kingdom. We become adherents to the supernatural rather than the natural, believers in the extraordinary, moreso than the ordinary. That is, weird as opposed to normal. We are thereby aliens on earth. We aren't supposed to fit in. In fact Jesus says the world will hate us because it has hated him and we are supposed to be like him.

I guess one thing we should be careful not to do is confuse morality with Christianity. They are not the same. There are plenty of people who do beautiful things for mankind who know not Christ. Weird as it is to say, Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.

Jesus is what really sets us apart from the world. Our attempted mimicry of Him is what should set us apart.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Reservations and Review 2011

Classical Ride

And here we are again. Next may will mark two years of Classical Rides, including coasting, racing, speeding, hydroplaning, ramping, breaking...whoa. I love it. Here is a nice little review of everything between this time last year.

Here was an ode to one of my great loves...camping. And on closeness to God. The title: "tempest tossed to me." isn't that on the Statue of Liberty or something? Anyway, I am the Campest tossed to thee, Lord. It's hard to be closer to God than creation makes you. You haven't much, just what you need. That's Him. This had a little nugget from a commenteur from long ago on my science blog. I quoted a book they suggested. Your comments do not fall to the ground. I had some agreeable dandies on this one too. Thanks, you two!

In this, I mainly remarked on the absurdity of faith. This title totally meant something cool but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. Basically I said faith was something so blind that you didn't even have to
believe in what it is you were following. Radical.

Here I threw out the possibility that individuality was a myth. I got some great responses, which was my intention. One reader said that while most of our personality comes from outside sources, what we choose to absorb and conform to subconsciously cannot logically be of our surroundings' doing, but must stem from something natural. Another contests that while others and environment do tease our personalities a little, we are uniquely crafted by God and therefore our own self.

This is a all-too-small piece that goes to the redemptive biography of Mr. Johnny Cash. His story demonstrates grace and forgiveness and many other beautiful things.

The adage of one of my greatest mentors. He invested so much into my life that I simply had to spread the word. His story is beyond belief, and a true testament, and a humble retelling to the power of God. Anyone can teach you to punch and kick, but there is more...much, much more.

This post discusses the crime of judgment. Forgiveness I have loved with my whole heart. Let us be love. I will not pretend to be guiltless.

This post begs the question, "Why don't sinners like being around us?" They couldn't get enough of Jesus, whose noble name we bear, and yet they avoid and even detest the church and its members today. I got some fantastic feedback among which were those who like to hit the nail on the head. We are hypocrites as one said. It's true. We all need forgiveness, one said and seemed to imply the question, why are we acting like we don't? A favourite comment said that people were at
tracted to Jesus because he made them aware of the folly and eventual outcome of their ways and gave them hope. That's what I think we need to do, let them know that the way they are living leads to death, but not leave it at that condemnation. Give them hope.

This was a bit of a seasonal thing. Both the beauty and and struggle that Project School were weighing heavy on me. We do work hard in
school academically and all. The photograph was my math homework from back in time. I love the way it looks. Look out for a sequel to this joker around May.

A colleague of mine at my school wrote this with me for the high school newspaper. She wanted to write regarding the thesis: "Why Jesus Came to Earth." So we did. It recounts some Biblical sins and all the madness that was on the other side of the tug-of-war rope that suddenly lost slack when Jesus hit town and how he didn't come to save the good, saintly, well-churched us, but the sin-crazed, Christ-denying us. One commenteur said something I liked very
much. It was in regard to the latest trend of not calling things as they are. To quote it exactly, "We'll allow a drug addict to remain a drug addict, but we'll never think to mention 'drug addict.' The same goes for a whole conglomeration of sins, ours included. Calling a sin a sin is taboo and generations will pay the price for the cowardice of our mouths." I like it.

My one and only return to the Quote Commentary this year. It is also my first assailing of guidance counselors everywhere. (I've got another of those coming soon! Beware guidance counselors!). It challenged the maxim that we should "always be ourselves." We humans are master thespians all. Faking our way through things and molding someone th
at others will like. You just have to read it. Please do.

You should know that I actually believe in this theory. I call it the Classical Ride Diet. Nutrition, the myth haha. I'm kidding. But seriously. I would stake this
against all the best diet plans and health books. Give it a read. The picture is the remnants of my Thanksgiving plate. Mmmm.

This is an ode to my O so classy family. I am truly blessed to have them. In rereading it I found that I left out a very special person (as I knew would happen). I neglected to include my Uncle Steve Hardin. He is a good man, I have always thought so. He is the kind of person I like. You can tell he cares about people because he takes up his own time to speak with them or see them. He seems to have some sort of social ease that I can't wrap my mind around him....Even after fixing this error, I have
still probably left out some important people.

This is one of my favourites! About one of my favourite people. It was in my holiday season trilogy for 2010. It is a rarity to find those who hate Christmas, but here, and with good reason, one was discovered. He brought some excellent insights to the table as to what Christmas was meant to be and what it has now become. He also brought forth another Holiday Hater and perhaps more to come. Jon the Christmas Hater, got to be a pretty popular name around my social circles for a while there. My cousin, and fellow blogger ( Caleb made mention of my obvious neglect punwise. It happens that his last name makes for just about the best Christmas pun you could ask for in the biggest stroke of irony. Unfortunately I dast not reveal his last name. Anyway, I call this a holiday favourite, he'll be back again and again. A Classical Ride tradition.

It has always amazed me how parents say, "some kids don't get a Christmas at all!" when trying to guilt their kids into not being greedy. Dr. Seuss, Charles M. Schulz and I got together to write this blog as we all felt the same need for people to see that everyone...
everyone gets a Christmas.

My annual Christmas Eve blog was inspired by my Government Teacher. I was interviewing him for the school newspaper and I asked him what his favourite Christmas song was, his reply was "Sweet Little Jesus Boy." I realized I had never really given the song a good listen so I did and I was amazed. It is one of the most beautiful pieces. I took to collecting the titles of Christmas songs and sliding them into the story of the birth of Christ and in the finale talked on our failure to recognize our Saviour over and over.

My personal welcome into the New Year. Featuring a quote from Jon the Christmas Hater's sister!

This is discussing the power of words both in damage and aid. They really create action. Words are powerful like you don't even know. And I LOVE words. Love them. Also, a commenteur and fellow blogger ( Mrs. Sue, left some other literature on words of her own in the comments section if you care to take a look.

Stoic was my personal commentary on emotional numbness and apathy and how I've made attempts of using that "flaw" to my advantage. All responses to this post were in favour of dropping that particular methodology of living life. I don't disagree with them entirely. A relative of mine mentioned being very emotionally touched by it. This was exciting news. I've always wanted my writing to stir emotion.

Part II of the Holiday Hater series! It was a spur of the moment interview! I thank God for this one, because I was at a loss at what to write with what I had for material (I have always been bad at taking down notes for interviews) but when I started writing it flowed freely. Kevro the Valentine's Day Hater provided the picture and the video suggestion. Good stuff. I was very pleased with this post. Contrary to Christmas, there are a good deal of Valentine's Haters out there so this, I believe, spoke to a eager audience.

Due to a Bible Study I was suddenly enlightened on the lame subject of discipleship. And I'll be dogged if it isn't lame at all. It's our life! Pastries taste good as it is good to disciple and be discipled.

And that is your review for a year of Classical Rides. I love when you read my posts and comment and whatnot. It makes me very very happy. I have a bunch of new posts burning a whole in my draft box so keep a weather-eye citizens. We just might shift gears. For now, relax. You are are in good Hands on the always...Classical Ride.