Friday, January 14, 2011


Gosh I love words. I love them like a parent loves kids. I like to say them and write them down and combine them and recombine them. I like to give them away or keep them for myself. I like to invent them and style them and give one word several connotations or enunciations. I love putting prefixes on top and suffixes on bottom. I like using nouns as verbs and peeling adjectives into adverbs. I like to use them to describe and give vision and feeling and fine emotion. I like parade them like the harmonically sick in rounds of bulleted scenarios. I thrive on the crescendo and descendo of there marriages and divorce. Thank you for words my Father.

And wouldn't you know something so divine and exhilerating would also be fiendish and malignant. Words have to be handled with fear I hate to say. With a sort of automatic reverence. We've all seen what they can do to people. They have changed me (or warped me depending on whether you like me or not). I can give an example. Now I obviously had a say in the matter, but the words do effect the deed. Several years ago a joke took hold among my family and a few friends that I was arrogant. To this day I disconcur. I was very low at that time. Maybe not humble, but low. You see? Well I denied the arrogant tag until I was blue in the face. Eventually, I stopped denying it. I laughed along and made jokes about it and claimed it. I didn't really believe it, but I claimed it because I was tired of telling people to shut up. It was more fun to laugh with them. Then I started staging scenarios to make me appear more arrogant. I put on a show, there was attention to be had! After a while, the exaggerated arrogance that shocked people became reality. I was all the things I was joking about being. I was arrogant. What a few words could do! I've seen this concept work in much more sinister ways. I believe that if you drill something in someone's head so much, it's very likely that they will eventually accept it. I know because I've seen it more than once.

I've seen it take on a different role too. These words can blow someone up! They can take something wretched and turn it towards royalty. The potency is intense. You can use it for good or bad. It's delightful.

More on words? Words sway people. The entire populace often falls slave to the power of words. There are artists, real artists that can plant words and make them grow anyway you want them.

Words are our chief messengers. You don't know how powerful, you and I don't know.

Why God! He said He is the Word! His communication with us is through words.

What power these little intangibles have.


  1. I love 'your' words, Mitch. Something tells me they are intricately wound around your beautiful purpose. I can't wait to see what your life says.

    When you're bored of your own words, peruse these oldies:

  2. I just read a lot of your posts on here and u do a great job with these i am not having a good day but listening to these posts made my day better

  3. Yes, I agree. Truth. This is convicting and thrilling to read come from your mind. Life. God is good!
