A lot of people don't get nostalgic about Thanksgiving like I do. That is because it is so often looked right over. Cornered by Football season and a commercialized Christmas it doesn't stand much of a chance. Selfishly, that really doesn't bother me much, because I like to have the cozy uncommercialized feel that Christmas gets tainted with. The traditions are vague enough and few enough not to be thrown in your face. With Christmas, holy smokes, you can use anything. You've got songs, Santa, sleighs, snowflakes, wreaths, trees, lights, movies, stars, candles, red, green, angels, ornaments, plays, parties, books, trips, and traditions that can be scooped of and killed by the media. With Thanksgiving all they really have is a turkey to run across the television or newspaper. It's just a meal shared together where you are thankful. What a blessing that is. So to my small minority of faithful readers, I'm thankful for you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too. I love this day. It's a wonderful time. I think I've missed the blessing on account of my selfishness. Thank God for this day! Norman Rockwell is the man and such a picturesque way to imagine a giving of thanks.