Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Welcome to America Part II...Part of the Problem

I don't wish to further add to my arrogance by continuing to say 'them' in reference to the people of America. I'm an American, one of many who are fed up with the evident and almost inevitable decadence.
Well, among those of us in which there is a shred of humanity remaining (which I really believe is a good many of you despite my negativity) you are probably asking, "What can I do" as is usually the question of those that are unwilling to do what it takes. (Again I don't wish to add to arrogance, I've asked the question many times with this mindset). With the risk of talking to the wall I can put forth my theories.
In the mid-1800s, at the rise of the Revivalist movement, a man named Lyman Beecher was teaching on the power of individuals to reform the world. He said that true reform could only take place through "the voluntary energies of the nation itself."
You would agree that our nation is made up of fifty states. You might also agree that in each of those states you have what are called counties, then cities and neighborhoods and so on however specific you want to get, all ending with the individual citizen. Now I appear to change directions in saying that the our physical self starts with our body and is broken down to organ systems, organs, tissue, and again however particular you want to get down to the cell. (Please refrain from petty arguments such as incorporating the atom into the mix, bear with me). Now if a cell is gone bad you would know that the tissue...organ...organ system, and evenutally the whole body would go bad. Like cancer. There is cancer in America, and it's terminal.
If a cell has gone bad is there any hope for it? Is a person ever to far gone to be cured. I don't think so, but does a cell heal itself? I wouldn't think so, though I'm no scientist or doctor. No, no, it needs medicine. Now the question is, what am I insinuating is the medicine for the U.S.A.? "You have already condemned America to ruin with your silly cancer metaphor," you might say.
Ironically the only thing that can cure terminal cancer in your body and figurative cancer in America are one in the same. A bridge between metaphor and reality. That connection and cure is the living, active, omnipotent God.
Go ahead, scoff at the nature of that comment. Write this composition off as another sermon. A cheap homily to herd in naive converts. You do and you immediately prove my decleration of we Americans as heathens. The facts are God CAN heal this nation. He absolutely without a doubt can. Why doesn't He? Why doesn't a loving God fix all this madness? Before answering these you answer me: How often do you include God in your daily life?
I'm a Christian you see, or a Christ-Follower, or a Jesus Freak, or whatever sobriquet you choose to endow me with. I don't care what you call me as long as you know where I stand. That is with complete faith in the power of almighty God. And the sovereignty of His son Jesus Christ. Furthermore I believe in the power of prayer. I believe that a righteous man's prayer can save our nation.
That cute little word 'righteous' is everyone's problem. That cute little word along with a prayer seems to be what's postponing complete destruction of the word. Do you see how one individual living a life of honor and obedience is saving the world? That is what an individual can do. But we have to fix ourselves first. Consider your prayer ignored. It's starts with us. The final question is, are we ready to do what it takes to see our nation healed?

1 comment:

  1. Most of us would say "Yes" but would be lying. A lot of us are unsure, even with you stating it as plainly as you have. This seems to be our problem here..
