Sometimes I reprove my own self for the disturbing thoughts that I come up with. I know I'm going to either get yelled at, laughed at, or looked at strange.
(I'm smiling)
Those reprovals don't happen very often.
This time my thoughts are of limiting laughter. Most people aren't a fan of this practice. But oh the woes of wasted laughter.
I'm not talking at laughing at goofy things or finding humor in things that few people do. Those are great things. I love to laugh! Laughter, in truth, is the best medicine, and a friend in sadness. I'm not even talking about laughing at tragic times. In fact sometimes that is the best thing to do. There are a few times where you should not laugh though.
First and foremost you have "Lewd Laughter." This is when the things people laugh at are just plain inappropriate. I've yet to wonder at why some of the sickening jokes that are told tickle our humerus bone (pun intended).
Next there is "Lofty Laughter" when your laughter causes a cocky "comedian" to continue their inane joke telling. I guess when you have problems in yourself you dislike them in other people and I do tell jokes and think they're funny when they are just plain not. Please don't laugh at my jokes.
Then there is "Lying Laughter." Which is where you laugh to be polite. You can see where this may lead to complications. I understand trying to find humor in a joke they tell perhaps, but often it happens that we just plain lie with our laughter. It's not going to feel good when they get around people who aren't polite. They won't laugh and that's bound to hurt.
We'll call the next "Loathsome Laughter." This one is just plain mean. David von Drehle sums it up well in his Time magazine article with, "There's something especially loathsome aout torturing helpless creatures for fun and profit." And for my money laughter. This is the laughter that comes from other people's misfortune or pain. No cheap chuckle is worth the absolute misery of someone else.
If you laugh in any of the following instances then you are one of those who are wasting their laughter. Please don't stop laughing. Laughing is one of the greatest pleasures on earth. But refrain in these four cases. Feel free to disagree, and let me know if you do. Feedback's the word. As for me, regardless of your feedback I'll continue to ponder over shocking ideas.
Agreement is pleasant after a few words on the subeject of laughter with you. This is good. I'm so glad you said what you did about laughing at someone else's expense. I guess in conviction (vague however)I see that I laugh politely maybe. Then agin it may just be that I find something to laugh at. I don't want to hurt someone else or make them uncomfortable. I love to laugh!!!
ReplyDeleteOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I get what you were saying now!