On Sunday everything feels exactly as it should be everyday. I'm a big fan of Sundays. Like today, I awoke and took a shower. Then I went downstairs to eat a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, and cinnamon rolls. Afterwards I read the funny page, whilst drinking a cup of coffee. Then I went back upstairs to check my email and start this blog. It's raining outside as I type, how refreshing. Later I will get dressed and go to church. World Outreach Center. I'll worship the Lord, for surely he deserves it, and study the word. I'll assist in the children's church after the first service. Later, I'll go to my grandmother's to eat lunch. Roast beef this week I believe. Later I'll go back to the church again and hopeful help out in the family night. All in all it's a beautiful day. Sunday is refreshing. Just another landmark day in the always...Classical Ride.
Love Sunday's :) This is good. Sounds like the best day ever!