Years ago, before I had any knowledge of the significance of the documentation of important dates, I was impressed to waddle my tiny self over to a kiosk, or booth, if you will. I don't remember any of the elements of this booth that was situated near the wall in the back of the sanctuary of my church. I don't remember any personalities that stood nearby if there were any. All I remember is taking a wallet-sized card that depicted a photograph of two young missionaries. On the back it read "Missionaries to the Amazon Jungle of Ecuador." There names, Joil and Leah Marbut. That night, whatever date and time it may have been I was determined to one day set my feet on that countries soil, with my feet of course "shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace" (Eph. 6:15).
A lot has occurred since this time. I remember the day I first saw Joil Marbut in person. I had gone to work with my youth pastor uncle, Steve Robertson. While goofin' off through the halls of the church after having completed the address stickers on hundreds of mail-out cards, there he walked right past me. I hadn't the courage to say anything, I was young and excited to see a hero of mine.
I remember much later when I myself was in the youth group at our church, and he came to speak. Again I was filled with a deep admiration. Once more the yearning for the country of Ecuador began to well up inside of me. I listened as he explained how long he had had the boots he wore and how he had gotten them resoled. I was inspired and on fire. I would go to the country of Ecuador, South America, if it killed me.
One trip came and passed without my attendance. Lives were changed and stories were told. I was envious, angry, sad, happy, inspired. I was saving money like mad. I was going to go. I just had to wait 'til next time.
Then something extraordinary happened. I became affiliated with a young lady named Sarah Jane Murray. All we had in common on our introduction was television comedy "I Love Lucy", but later it became obvious that our similarities went much deeper than a sitcom about a inane redhead. We both had Ecuador on our minds and in our hearts.
The next trip was here, and my departure was again impossible, but lots of luck and love was wished towards the team. This time feelings were different. I wanted to go with all of my heart, but I couldn't. I helped a tiny bit on the fundraisers and I prayed hard for them every night, but all for the sidelines. Well...all things tangible were on the sidelines, but there are other parts of the human creation, and all of that was completely and totally in Ecuador.
The year is now 2009. My best friend gave me a journal, and went on her way to Ecuador to live with my childhood heroes. (Isn't God's hand amazing)? On June 27, 2009, Mitchell Capps is going to get on a plane or so and make his way to a place only dreamed of. There are not words to thank God for how much it is going to mean to me. There is not gratitude so great as to fully appreciate those who made it happen. There are no words, thoughts, or feelings that can touch on explanation of what this is to me. It's really been my biggest goal since then. If you asked me if I could do anything in the world what would it be, I could answer very quickly. I've got a brand new wallet-size in my billfold now with two new members, Drew and Will. Emelia also joins the family, glory to God. The back still reads "Missionaries to the Amazon Jungle of Ecuador" and they're faces still read a high degree of passion for the security of the Ecuadorians' eternal spirits. I wish to share in that passion, with permanent changes in my heart and other's...
I'll leave the rest to God.
God is so good! He puts desires in our hearts so that He can fill them. It's the waiting until His timing has come. Mitch, it is here! Great hands and feet will do great things.
ReplyDeleteWow Mitch! South America!