"Let's Roll."
Todd Beamer
Todd Beamer
Todd Beamer was an educated, New Jersey account manager. He was married with two sons and expecting a third, when he was a passenger on United Airlines Flight 93. A witness to the upheavels of tragedy.
I watched the movie "Flight 93" last night before I went to bed. I've always been inspired by the story. It's been a long time since a movie stirred so many emotions inside of me. This isn't to say it was a well made movie. No, but the truth of it probed my feelings terrifically.
I lied awake a long time last night. Not so much thinking on it, but reflecting. That is to say I wasn't trying to figure things out in my head, I was just dwelling on the courage and events.
We need people like Todd Beamer. People that say I'm not going down without a fight. People riddled by surreal situations. People that say, I'm going to die anyway, but there is a greater cause to fight for, so "Let's Roll."
Today I've been reading and researching about all things Flight 93. I've listened to every actual recording I could find, I've read about the lives of the hijackers and the passengers. I've discovered almost every memorial, tribute, consequence, and impact of what happened, I've read some about the families.
These were people whose actions were screaming their lungs out, that we were Americans...indivisible, indestructable, under God.
I wish with all my heart I could give justice with my words to the actions of these incredible passengers. I can't write out the passion that is in my head for these people and what they did.
Throughout the movie I kept wishing that it was fiction, so they could have a miraculous save at the end. That the heros would emerge unscathed. But I suppose there is no greater measure of a hero than the sacrifice of one's own life for others. None so noble or selfless as that. Reality is too bold in its story. It doesn't really heed to the audience's wishes. Reality has no morals, no shame, no remorse, no mercy.
We all know the phrase that inspired the nation that I've headlined this blog with, but let us not forget the prayer Todd Beamer also orated before it was go time. The familiar verses were these:
Our Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, For ever.
Matthew 6:9-13
Now...Let's Roll.
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