Some part of human nature feels compelled to grant their predator a warning. Some innate courtesy says, "You owe them a fighting chance." I just wonder why. Is it necessarily honorable or moral? I've always thought that you would want to use every asset you had going for you in you endeavor to win, including the very useful element of surprise. Maybe instead we mean to sway them to our side of things, in which case the warning is more like a threat. Like, "You can do it the easy way or the hard way." Yes, I like that theory, an opportunity for freewill along with the disclaimer that you're coming after them no matter what.
Along with our need to warn, or threaten, before we attack we also feel obligated to explain ourselves. Are we attempting to justify our actions? If so, does that show insecurtity in our sense of righteousness? Maybe to give reasons shows we aren't just a bunch of troublemakers. Yes, maybe an explanation is just a courtesy. It's just proper to do that.
As I write I wonder to myself, "Where am I going with this?" In fact I have draft after draft after draft in my "Edit Post" section that are just sitting there waiting to be tied together. I suppose I could just add this one to the collection.
Or maybe that would be abandoning my own decleration. Yes, for the third time I agree with my own theory. All this must be leading up to my own personal declaration.
The majority of this particular authorship has consisted of me staring at the tiny blinking cursor awaiting my finger's summoning to action. That's sort of what I feel like right now. A tiny blinking cursor just waiting to spew forth with words of purpose in a sudden hail of typing by the Creator.
Perhaps then, that is what I'm going over and under to warn you about.
As a child of God I know I have a purpose. No it's just a matter of time before he lowers his fingers across the keys and begin to spell out his plans like a madman. When that happens, watch out, because then there will be no stopping me.
Now I suppose out of courtesy I also owe you an explanation for all of this.
Don't ask me, God did it. (Ephesians 2:10)
"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to..."
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