Thursday, June 4, 2009

Inspire Me

What inspires you? Is it music? Nostalgia for things long gone, ancient feelings that comfort you? Perhaps words, spoken or written with the utmost eloquence? Your commitment or feelings for those you love? A passion of any sort? If you said yes to any of these I must ask that you be more specific. Inspiration goes so much deeper than that, there has to be something that generates all of these avenues of assurance. Something behind the noise and pyrotechnics. There has to be a nucleus.

The problem with inspiration is it isn't lasting. It's like an adrenaline rush. It does great things while it is present, but when it fades away you are back to square one. No one wants to be stuck on square one forever, so what do we do? I believe we have one of two options:

1. We can constantly seek to "refill" our inspiration tank.

2. We can search for something deeper. Discover the core and thrive off it.

This is not an either/or situation. You must choose. Since I advocate the latter, and this is my blog, I'll promote what I know to be the right decision. Take food for example. If you smell food coming from your kitchen and all it's exhilerating scents you have gotten a part of the experience. It drives you, yes? If you look at a feast laid before your eyes and all it's garnished delectability you've still got something to ignite your hunger. But still it's only eye-candy. There is no sustaining value. If you listen to all the sizzling, snapping sounds of the kitchen you are going to be driven on towards something. All this is true, your senses have inspired you to where you can carry on for a while, but it isn't until that food enters your system that you experience the full measure of delight and fulfillment intended.

So we must take these small inspirations as a road map. Follow their trail leading up to the heart. Then have your fill. Don't stop until you are overflowing with an eternal inspiration that never leaves. The water that will not leave you thirsting for more. Don't confuse my metaphorical jargon for subtlety. Indeed not. That core, heart, nucleus, generator, is Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Not only does the word of God inspire me, but people like you inspire me to be a better person.
