The scene is this: A still slightly evident undertone of nausea was beginning to settle, an almond covered fish was being prepared for my meal, and a city of scattered lights as my enchanting view. Each were in high spirits, each reminiscent of the experience we were leaving behind. And each were called upon to share in their musings, and each did. Some with tears, all with a testaments tainted with passion and a fulfilled feel of joy.
After the significant accounts had been given and the "chicken-skin" was still prickling our emotives. A certain missionary almost nodded with his planned and proven observations. The paraphrase is, "Not one thing you mentioned is tangible. Not one of those things can be bought."
That statement stayed with me.
Human beings are suckers for tangibility. We want things we can grasp, obtain, keep, and control. The truth is the idea of tangibility is overrated. Though we crave things we can understand and dictate, the most wonderful things often elude those requirements.
Love is remembered, cherished, eternal, and ultimately intangible.
Mitch I like this a lot. I wanted to cry and be sad as a regretting heart would be. It's strange. Wow!