God wants us all to have an audacity of faith that dares to believe for all that is set forth in the Word.
-- Smith Wigglesworth.
Almost ten years into the 21st century and a lot has changed since the inspiration for the Word of God descended from the supernatural to the pens and hearts of the apostles and the Christian church and before that Israel and the prophets. However, one thing has not changed, and that is the ever-constant, living and moving Almighty God.
At some point through the thick eras of education and sciences, explanations and secularism the world has let go of something. Something that was dismissed simply because it was misunderstood, and we humans could not wrap our brains around it. We craved a state of knowing, and when we could not grasp it in an area, we dismissed it as fiction. Our egos disallow us to believe there are things we can't comprehend. We've decided to leave any unatural phenomena to entertain our fears and desires. We've given them to the campfire talebearers. We keep it safe inside the libraries in the F section and confined to cinemas, but we are careful not to confuse it with reality.
I'm not only speaking of the temporal world. Christianity has, for some people become something we tell our children to get them to sleep at night, or even if you believe in God, we scoff at such things as faith healing and being blessed for serving or paying tithes. For many, our beliefs stop at salvation. If that is the case for any of you, you are only cheating yourself. We live in such a "watered-down" nation. We're realists, and we like to pick and choose. Maybe it's because we don't want to have fools made of ourselves, I don't know. I know the disbelief is out there, and I know it plagued me for a long time, and still, unfortunately, does to a certain degree.
But, recently I was given a book, from the library. It was entitled "Smith Wigglesworth: Apostle of Faith" I want this title to be understood, so once again, let's look to one of my dearest sites of reference, http://www.merriam-webster.com/. There are several definitions. A few are: 1. one sent on a mission. 2. a person who initiates a great moral reform or who first advocates an important belief or system. Smith Wigglesworth was both of these things for Faith. For many I'm sure he was the answer to a prayer. Perhaps the same sort of entreaty that the father of the demon-possessed child in Mark 9:24 said to Jesus, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” He's still doing it, because when I read this book and realized the truth in it all, my faith was brightened severely. Little things going through the day became something to pray for, and not just pray for, but believe to come to pass. Already my faith has been rewarded. The truth is this, God does answer prayers. Christ's name is powerful. It's spelled out in the Word. In John 14:13, 14 "You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!" We just lack that boldness, the ride against the common current. We have to have that kind of audacity in our Faith to believe everything that is in the Word of God, and he will show us the way.
Mitchell Capps, you blow me away! I can't believe I know you. Nor that from your mind came these words. I love this! Speak the truth. Never keep silent about what truth is and don't dress it up. Faith to inspire... You now have something to live up to. I'm such a fan of all you write. :D Smiles all around.