The modern church is working very hard to destroy what is generalized as "religion" and with good reason. Good reason, however and as we all know, does not always produce good ends. The religion we are trying to destroy is that of judgement over mercy and of unbiblical absolutes and repulsion to modern means of evangelism. The religion we are trying to destroy is also that which is defined as a "cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith" (http://www.merriam-webster.com/). You can't tell me taking a radical stand by what you believe is wrong and you cannot tell me that there is a point where you have talked to people about Jesus too much, and you cannot tell me that a rebuke is wrong if done with gentility and with grace in mind (It's very biblical, 2 Timothy 4:2). I believe in our passionate anti-religion crusading we've given people room for gray and lukewarm. We've opened ourselves and others to much hardness of heart. Watering down what is true and right is not the answer in bringing people to Christ. Making it easier to swallow and decieving them into believing it an escape to an earthly utopia isn't either. We must trust the love of God to be enough in seeing past these things.
You kill religion you kill a lot of respect for God and for Christianity. You kill religion and you blow another slug into morality's already leaking matter. It's time to stop excusing our selfish ignorance of sin with avoiding censure. Kill the sin where it spreads and love the sinner with everything you have.
Yes I am anti-religion in today's sense of the word. I'm against society's perversion of it, but as for the "old-time religion"...with the Bible being absolute, sin not being tolerated, God being supreme and people being loved..."it's good enough for me."
You kill religion you kill a lot of respect for God and for Christianity. You kill religion and you blow another slug into morality's already leaking matter. It's time to stop excusing our selfish ignorance of sin with avoiding censure. Kill the sin where it spreads and love the sinner with everything you have.
Yes I am anti-religion in today's sense of the word. I'm against society's perversion of it, but as for the "old-time religion"...with the Bible being absolute, sin not being tolerated, God being supreme and people being loved..."it's good enough for me."
Mitch, you've done it again. I agree with you and understand where you are coming from. You have pasted the truth here. I like it. It should be this way. And now that you have said it be the prime example. You're somewhat of a genius Mr. Capps.