In an earlier blog, "Test of Time" we took a look at Downhere's song "The Real Jesus." The song contains the line "Jesus sparked a controversy." It's a legitimate claim, in truth it is beyond doubt. With it he has sparked a world-shattering legacy. He was the archetype for a new brand of heroism. Epochal among epics. A giant. Out of everyone's league, still on everyone's level. Wars, depictions on film and stage, governments, genocides, novels, poems, paintings, sculptures, magazines, companies, songs, schools, theories all have bore his name. Some undoubtedly with his blessing, others out of line. He's been summoned upon in nearly every U.S. court session, presidential innauguration, and sporting event. He presides weekly over the largest gathering of anyone anywhere for any reason in church. He has made his way into every single aspect of our lives. He meets many before every meal and many more before the lights are dimmed down for slumber. He is responsible for the biggest sensation in celebrations in Christmas. The emblem of the cross is popular jewelry for the believer and unbeliever alike. He is on T-shirts he is on ball caps he is on wallets and watches. He is in our vernacular. He is everywhere and still for many we find it so hard to talk about him.
I for one can talk about Jesus Christ all day long. But before you type-cast me as a bible-thumping mugwump allow me to explain how I'm not all that statement cracked me up to be. I find it easy to argue about the contraversy He's stirred. Talk to me about evolution and I can explode into a pro-creation tirade. Give me your worldwide mythologies and I would love to give you truth in its stead. Give me excuses for immorality and and I will feed you scripture in a spoon of reason. That's for the unbeliever. For the believer I am just as bad. Let's talk about predestination, age of accountability, was Jesus a pacifist? Forget who He was and what He did. Forget creation, just speculate as to whether it was seven days humanly speaking or if it was God's 1,000 year day?* Why do I rant and rave in the debate but when it comes to my true purpose of day to day, lifestyle worship I stutter and lack justice? I believe it is noble to defend the law and holy name of Jesus Christ but how immaturely I attempt it. My defense should be grounded in faith in Him and obedience to His commandments and practice of His love. Back to that line. That glorious line that fires me up for the battle of words and truth. "Jesus sparked a controversy." Sure He did. I know that. But what about the succeding line. "...Jesus known for His mercy, gave the blind man sight...Jesus loves the children, holds the lambs, Jesus prays a lot, Jesus has distinguishing marks on his hands..." That's where it's at. Mercy and Grace and Love. That is the real Jesus.
*"...God's thousand year day" comes from Psalm 90:4
To read "Test of Time":
To listen to "The Real Jesus: