The same things win that always won, you just have a different bunch of excuses if you lose
Paul W. Bryant
Best known as the University of Alabama's winningest football coach amassing six national titles and thirteen conference championships. He is a hero among sports fans everywhere.
I revisit the Quote Commentary in part, I suppose due to a little guilt over not having a blog oding the Crimson Tide's thirteenth national championship, and in part still that I've been hankering to do a new quote for quite some time now. Paramount among my range of reason, however, is the thick meaning that backs this simple statement.
Human beings just might be out to reform perfection. Though it is true that "the times are a' changin'" their is a control to this vast experiment called life. God is that control. It is written as I'm sure you've heard "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). And if we have that to fall back on there is a lot of security. Don't mistake that security or that comfort with ignorance. Despite that security many refuse to accept the truth. They test out many different paths that they assume will lead them to a victory. With our salvation and time on earth at stake, is it really worth experimenting with the skinning of cats? I think not! People are tangled up in all the ropes, ladders, and stairways that will allegedly get them to the top. They assert that "While this may work for you, this is more suited to my abilities or tastes." It is wrong. Defineably wrong. What has been winning will continue to win. Jesus Christ, "Love thy neigbor," kindness, righteousness, and love. It isn't picking out a car, a suit of clothes, or a spouse. In the end you can say "this is the reason this failed, not because I didn't do things the right way," but you will be wrong. All the excuses in the world won't make it right. Life is war. A twisted game of sorts. A business. It has definitive objectives. How you play the game is up to you, and it will determine how things turn out.
ReplyDelete(Grrr...my tardiness has opened the door for another to have the first comment spot.) Smart man you are. It's how you play the game. You have to make the best of the cards you're dealt. I can deal with war and I can deal with pain; it may not be pretty but my eyes are set on the goal. What more could you ask for? War!