Friday, June 17, 2011

Unrealistic Goals

It isn't that I dislike guidance counselors (I love them), it's just that some of the things they say just get under my skin. In an earlier post (Quote Commentary 15...Brennan Manning (The Mask)) I railed on their concept of "always being yourself." Now, as promised, I am back to dice another of their practical, successful, life lesson vegetables.

I can see it all now: They have just--among cheaply made videos, power-point presentations, and informational pamphlets--wrapped up a successful lecture. All about your decision to go to college or stay healthy or do whatever it is that guidance counselors say we should do to be well-rounded individuals. They are feeling pretty confident about it and they go in for the classic conclusion, "Now boys and girls, when you decide to do these things, it's important that you set realistic goals."

Way to live valiantly.

I object. Adventure! Why should we have realistic goals? I would propose that we dare to have unrealistic goals.

As a Christian I know that I cannot in good conscience confine myself to the task of reason. Is my God not greater? Stronger? Higher than any other? Healer? Awesome in power? I have a feeling Jesus would feel a little insulted at the thought of realistic goals. Where's the audacity of faith in that? How realistic was Joshua's plea to stop the sun? Or David's to slay a giant? We are the type that would ask God to conceal a leper's boils rather than cure him and comfort the family of Lazarus rather than raise Him from the dead. I have a feeling that if I ask God to help me "at least" do anything he would respond with the same incredulity as he did with the father of the demon-possessed boy exclaiming, "What do you mean 'If I can?' Anything is possible for those who believe."

I am sometimes scared to ask. My frail faith allows me to believe that if I ask and it doesn't happen I will be shaken. But the fear also confirms just how unrealistic the goal is, and how it is a worthy endeavor.

I want to dream BIG! I want to scheme and plot the impossible. I want to imagine the unlikely. Because I know it can be done. Realistic goals are boring.


  1. You know I believe you... I can hear a young adult telling his father "I cannot hold to your realistic goals... When there is so much more." Or something along those lines. Good job.

  2. Amen, Brother! When I read the title I was kinda like... I don't agree. But you were speaking AGAINST them. AMEN!!!! Doesn't the bible say we can come boldly to the throne? Doesn't God say unimaginable things are in store? Doesn't it also say according to his riches and his glory? SO WHY NOT ASK!!! Also like the bible says. "Let your requests be made known to God." ALL of them. All kinds of prayers and petitions. You gotta have faith! Add faith to the biggest most unrealistic reality you can think of and God'll show up, with a pat on the head and a thank you. For believing in Him, of course. :) I am not scared of God. He loves us! He doesn't, Wrath us.:)
