"Actions speak louder than words" is the adage so often applied. "Prove it," says the populace. "Show me," says Missouri. And so we do. We, being Christ-followers. Surely you didn't think the truth would be left up to dogmatism. Christianity has stood the greatest test of all. The test of time. I believe some of the greatest evidence for our Faith lies in that alone. A Biblical passage relates the wisdom of the Pharisee Gamaliel:
"When they heard this, the high council was furious and decided to kill them. But one member, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, who was an expert in religious law and respected by all the people, stood up and ordered that the men be sent outside the council chamber for a while. Then he said to his colleagues, 'Men of Israel, take care what you are planning to do to these men! Some time ago there was that fellow Theudas, who pretended to be someone great. About 400 others joined him, but he was killed, and all his followers went their various ways. The whole movement came to nothing. After him, at the time of the census, there was Judas of Galilee. He got people to follow him, but he was killed, too, and all his followers were scattered. “So my advice is, leave these men alone. Let them go. If they are planning and doing these things merely on their own, it will soon be overthrown. But if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God!'”
Acts 5:33-39
So you see the movement did not slur at the cross. Rather it was catalyzed. There had been revolutions and uprisings before Christianity with hordes of followers and radicals imagining it to be the cause that would give them passion again. There had been plenty of psychopaths, fakes, and enthusiasts but when something real finally came, it simply could not be snuffed out. It was from the true and living God. Everyone had held there breath uncertain at watching there Saviour being removed from his tree and wrapped up to be buried. Where were "the drums, the guillotine" the Roman Empire struck by divine lightening and Christ reviving back to life to yell "I told you so!" When the chips were down and everyone was scattered would the body still function and thrive? When the "powers that be" fettered there mission would it be enough to contain it? When the head was cut off would the trunk and limbs keep running? The answer of course is yes, no, and yes. Christianity was attacked from all sides, but it endured because it was tied to something, or should I say held together by something much greater than any human force. Something, someone, that defied death and all boundaries and was and is glorified throughout the earth. It's unstoppable because it is real. Nothing can stand this long without genuity. What better word could you give to the agnostic and atheist sheep? This is how we know it's from God. We are all very much together and unified. And we're winning. Not losing. We're fighting harder, but we can't pick up slack because this is WAR! We will take every avenue, every opportunity, every possible route for glorification of the Lord. Nothing has ever raided every window of our lives like Jesus Christ. In the "The Real Jesus" by Marc Martel (Downhere) we are offered a variety of places he's found transport in. Some of the lyrics read:
Jesus on the radio,
Jesus on a late-night show
Jesus in a dream, looking all serene
Jesus on a steeple,
Jesus in the Gallup poll
Jesus has His very own brand of rock and roll
Watched him on the silver screen
Bought the action figurine
But Jesus is the only name that makes you flinch
Oh, can anybody show me the real Jesus?
Oh, let Your love unveil the mystery of the real Jesus
Jesus started something new
Jesus coined a phrase or two
Jesus split the line at the turning point of time
Jesus sparked a controversy
Jesus, known for His mercy, gave a man his sight
Jesus isn't white
Jesus loves the children, holds the lambs
Jesus prays a lot
Jesus has distinguishing marks on His hands
If anybody walks behind the Good Shepherd
If anybody holds the hands that heal lepers
And if you recognize the eyes that see forever, please...Jesus, Jesus
Oh, can anybody show me Jesus
Oh, let Your love unveil the glory, the real Jesus
Oh, can anybody show me the real Jesus?
Oh, let Your love unveil the glory of the real Jesus, the real Jesus
The list could go on. It's a force that is only getting stronger. And we are disciples to this powerful reality! We can give it all. And what a joy it is to be apart of something this big. Bigger than we could ever be. Not stuck inside the walls of a church but like a fire, everywhere and spreading. We're not letting it die. We're picking up momentum as we go, like a boulder rolling down a hill. We're obsessed to the point of annoyance and anger. Toby McKeehan had it just right in his song "Momentum":
Somebody said you better let go
'Cause they said so
But I could never let this thing go
Don't they even know what that means
They call me obscene
Say I wear my faith on my sleeve
But I ain't here to seek no glory
End of story,
I know the judge and the jury
People always gotta ask who, what, when, and why
But never wanna step to the light
So I hear you say you wanna come and get some
Should I mention I got your attention
Know that I'm a man on a mission, my position is
Been on a roll for two thousand years or so
We've got momentum baby
Livin' on the edge of obnoxious
They call me raucous
I'm a freak, I can't stop this
Ardently enthused about God
No hand-me-down nod
Your gonna get all I got
High-steppin' from the twenty on in
Knees to my chin
I'm rollin' deep in momentum
Burnin' with the hard core flame
No shame in this game
I'm followin' my heart not my brain
Been on a roll
Cause we got souls that won't die
And this party ain't over 'til we take flight
You've been told that we come bold on this side
You ain't never known the deal 'til we testify
Cause have you ever heard of turnin' water into wine
And have you ever heard of givin' sight back to the blind
It's undeniable we're droppin' the Truth on this track
Cause once you start an avalanche there ain't no turnin' back